Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Resolutions - Not So Much

I don't do well with New Year's resolutions. Here is my modified New Year's resolution exercise. I started doing this in 2003. When I look back at my journal, I am pretty amazed at how my journey continues. Maybe you will find this helpful.

This journaling exercise is borrowed from the book, Letters to Scattered Pilgrims, by Elizabeth O'Connor.

Looking Back on 2006

How did the year begin? What were the events of winter? of spring? of summer? fall?

Who were the significant people in your life?

What books or Bible study instructed your mind and heart?

Did you create anything this year? Did you make any new discoveries about yourself? How were you a gift to a person or a community?

What was your greatest joy this year? Your greatest sorrow? What caused you most disappointment?

In what areas did you grow? Were these areas related to your joy or your pain?

Did you root your life more firmly in Scripture and in prayer?

Did God seem near or far off?

Is there anything you feel God is saying to you as you look back on the year?

Looking ahead to 2007

How do you want to begin the year?

What kinds of commitments do you want to make to yourself?

To your faith community?

To the poor and needy around you?

Who are the people with whom you would like to deepen your relationships in the year to come?

Do you have relationships that need to be healed?

Are there places in your own heart that need healing?

Is there an aspect of your character you would like to develop, or one of the fruit of the Spirit you would like God to grow in you? ("But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." Gal.5:22)

As you begin the year, what are your hopes? What are your fears?

Are there any other goals, in the area of mental, physical, or emotional growth, that you'd like to name before God, asking his help?


amyloveslattes said...

hi rose...i love these soul searching questions. what a great way to let the lord evaluate our growth and encourage us forward. i love having this list of questions. i will share them tonight at my women's group. peace and rest, amy

amyloveslattes said...

hi rose...i love this list of probing, soul searching questions. amazing. i am going to share them with our women's group tonight. thank you! peace and rest, amy

Helen said...

Wow, what a great list of questions...thanks for sharing them, Rose.

I linked to this post on my personal blog

Helen said...

Wow, what a great list of questions...thanks for sharing them, Rose.

I linked to this post on my personal blog