Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Life is Full

Anne Lamott was hysterically funny and profoundly inspirational. She signed my right “auntie” with her name, a heart and a rose.

Life is very full. I know that the spiritual life in order to thrive needs silence, solitude, a break from all the busyness…however, I am embracing that this is a season in my life that is very, very full and it is okay. I am married, parenting a nine year old, co-pastoring a faith community, launching a new non-profit and trying to keep up with a doctoral program…

Throwing a doctoral program into the mix of an already very full life seemed insane…but to me it is a gift! So, I receive and embrace this gift and the reality that for the next three years I have a lot to juggle. I will plan short getaways, moments of silence and solitude wherever I can. The fact that I have a very supportive husband and a laid back nine year old helps…

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