Sunday, May 27, 2007


Today the church remembers and celebrates Pentecost. The origins of Pentecsost reach back to one of the Jewish celebrations - the Feast of Weeks or Day of the First Fruits. The church celebrates Acts 2 - the coming of the Spirit in the upper room. The mighty, rushing wind, what appeared to be tongues of fire, the disciples spilling out into the streets speaking in all the languages of the people visiting Jerusalem for the celebration. The amazing outdoor speech that Peter gave and then the incredible inbreaking of the Kingdom of God into Jerusalem with over 3000 people deciding to follow and live in the way of Jesus.
Today my prayer is that we too can live in a way that we receive the Spirit and live our lives as the gathered people that follow and live in the way of Jesus that brings healing and hope to our world.


steven hamilton said...

amen and amen!

Scott said...

Yes, we'd all be in a far better situation with that sort of "shock and awe" as opposed to what we've seen in recent years...